Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

When I still (krn sekarang belum tua2 amat kan) younger, its about 20 years old ...he...he...he, I'm forgot. I walked on the sidewalk at evening and would see something in the trench. Its like an animal and which the sounds "meong...meong" you know that....yup that is a kitten. the Kitten is full down into the trench with drainage ditchs. The kitten unswum and its said like the sounds "meong...meong" its for signal its needed help. And then I bow to helped him, my hands to reached its body...Alhamdulillah I get it but something dangerous inside the trench....Its you know, what is that?? I saw something with very fasted movement and closer to the kitten,I didn't know what exactly but i think its maybe something like a snake....horrible. But now i feel more calmy because the Kitten save on my both of hands....then I put him on the sidewalks...so we never meet again forever. ^_^

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